The Nine Muses Welder Wings Origin of the Strange

Welcome to The Nine Muses ...


The Nine Muses The Origin Of The Strange Welder Wings Skateboard Deck Graphic


Skateboarding has been the lens through which I view the world since 1988.

It has shaped nearly everything inside me—introduced me to friends, music, art, creativity, new ways of thinking, seeing and doing. It has been my career and paid my bills and sent me all over the globe for nearly three decades.

Nothing has been more critical to my existence than skateboarding. Nothing else even comes close.

Although it’s always been present—especially as a writer, in recent years creativity has become increasingly important in my life—almost inescapably infectious. My interest in film, music, philosophy, psychology and the fine arts, and how they impact me, has grown exponentially.

I’ve worked for many brands in skateboarding over the years, and although I learned so much from them all and gained a ton of experience, none of them really spoke to me. None of them were something I really wanted to see in a skate brand. And I very often felt I had no voice or input at those brands.


The Nine Muses 1832 Tee Shirt Samuel Griswold Goodrich Back


In 2016, when I launched The Hundredth Acre candles, it was my attempt at introducing something entirely new to the skateboarding community and testing my ideas on my own, with my own money—at my own risk—to see if those people who ignored and shut my ideas down were actually on to something … or completely wrong.

The Hundredth Acre grew, and doubled, and doubled again … then sold in 2021 After which I found myself helping more skateboarding brands … and again they didn’t really seem to value my creative input … so again came the urge to try something on my own, this time amalgamating various things I love into one and The Nine Muses was born.

I wanted to create a brand that inspires others to discover new things from outside of skateboarding, the way skateboarding has always introduced me to new things like music, art, ways of thinking, etc.


The Nine Muses & Welder Wings Origin of the Strange Postcard


All of The Nine Muses boards are collaborations with fine artists and feature premium graphic treatments and veneer layouts, include a signed, numbered bio postcard from the artist, and a free wall mount to hang the board.

They, of course, are skateable too! Made by the fine folks at BBS.

I'm proud to unveil the brand with a collab from Welder Wings: a married duo from Spain who I discovered while following Tool on tour throughout 2023 and 2024. They did the art for many of the limited edition posters sold at each stop, which quickly became the fastest-selling posters at the venues and the most sought after posters on the resale market, fetching up to $1,000 or more on eBay.

But more importantly ... the art is incredible and appeals to fans of the surreal and the macabre, like myself.


The Nine Muses The Origin Of The Strange Welder Wings Skateboard Deck Top Graphic Detail


The web store is now open. You can also shop directly on Facebook or Instagram too. The boards have also landed in a few shops, including Skatepark of Tampa, Faces, Amateur Athlete, Switch & Signal Skatepark and Stardust.

Looking forward to this new creative journey and you all joining me for it! Spread the word if you can!

Thank you,

Robert Brink

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