The Nine Muses Calliope Mosaic Turkey

Serendipity and the 2,200-Year-Old Mosaic of the Muse Calliope Discovered in Turkey

May 29, 2024: News of a 2,200-Year-Old Mosaic of the Muse Calliope being revealed in Turkey broke across the globe.

May 29, 2024: The Nine Muses, an art-inspired skateboarding brand was unveiled by myself.

I won't drone on and on about this one, but really ... what are the odds? A major archeological discovery featuring one of The Nine Muses is announced the day I launch a brand based on The Nine Muses? The universe might have my back on this one.

Excerpts and images from Archaeology Magazine, Greek City Times, Finestre sull' Arte, and Arkeo News:


Excavations by archaeologists in the ancient city of Side, located in southern Turkey, have unearthed a remarkable mosaic floor dating back to the 2nd century BCE, depicting the legendary figure of Calliope, one of the nine muses in Greek mythology. The discovery was announced by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.


The Nine Muses Calliope Mosaic Discovered in Turkey


Situated in the Manavgat district of Antalya, the ancient city of Side has a storied past, dating back to its founding in the 7th century BCE. It rose to prominence as a crucial port city during the Roman Empire and played a pivotal role in the region’s history.


The Nine Muses Calliope Mosaic Discovered in Turkey


Believed to be the daughter of Zeus and the titan Mnemosyne, she is often depicted holding a writing tablet and stylus, symbolizing her role as the inspiration for literary works of great significance. Among her notable influences are Homer’s epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, along with works by renowned poets such as Hesiod, Sappho, and Pindar.

The Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (the goddess of memory), were celebrated for their beauty and their role in inspiring humanity's creative spirit through art, poetry, music, dance, and drama. Greek poet Hesiod introduced the Muses to Greek culture in his epic poem, Theogony, written between 730 and 700 BC. This work detailed the origins and genealogies of the Greek gods, including the Nine Muses.

Calliope, often considered the leader of the Muses, was celebrated as the Muse of epic poetry and creative writing. Known as "The One with the Beautiful Voice," she was symbolized by the writing tablet and stylus and was often depicted holding a book of poetry.


The Nine Muses Calliope Mosaic Discovered in Turkey


One myth suggests that Homer prayed to Calliope for guidance and inspiration while composing the Iliad and the Odyssey. In recognition of her status, Calliope was believed to inspire emperors, kings, and statesmen to lead with bravery, intelligence, and humanity.

In 25 BC, Augustus Caesar incorporated Side into the Roman province of Galatia. However, the worship of the Muses continued as the Romans adopted them into their pantheon. Even today, artists often speak of finding their "Muse," reflecting the enduring influence of these divine patrons of the arts throughout Western history.

The discovery of the Calliope mosaic in Side is a testament to the lasting legacy of Greek and Roman culture and the timeless appeal of the Muses.

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